49 Manager ReadMes from Slack, Netflix, Google and more (a lot more)
About a month ago, our CEO Brennan wrote an article on Hacker Noon: 12 Manager ReadMes from Silicon Valley’s Top Tech…

About a month ago, our CEO Brennan wrote an article on Hacker Noon: 12 Manager ReadMes from Silicon Valley’s Top Tech Companies. And…it kind of went viral.
So, I started digging through the interwebs and found as many of these manager readmes as I could (special thanks to managerreadme.com and Richard McLean). I had to stop myself at 49 (that’s a cool number right?), because the concept is spreading like wildfire, specifically in the tech industry, and more are being shared every day.
For those of you asking yourself, “what the heck are manager readmes?” – here’s a quick download:
Manager readmes are user manuals written by managers on their management style, philosophies, expectations, communication preferences, and more. It’s like a “how to guide” for employees getting to know – and working for – their bosses.
Click the images below to learn more about how leaders at some of the coolest companies in tech are managing their teams:
1. Michael Lopp (aka rands), VP Engineering at Slack
"Humans first. I believe that happy, informed, and productive humans build fantastic product. I optimize for the humans." @rands @slackhq Share on X2. Ben Morris, Sr. Developer Lead at Shopify
"You’re very good at your job. You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t. If it feels like I’m questioning you it’s because I’m either: a) Trying to gather context. Or b) Trying to be a sounding board and rubber duck." @bnmrrs @shopify Share on X3a. Roy Rapoport, Director at Slack (And formerly Netflix)
"If I do something that negatively impacts my ability to retain you, you would be doing me a huge favor if you let me know about it, as soon as possible." @royrapoport @slackhq Share on X3b. Roy Rapoport, Netflix
"When it comes to adjusting to personalities, I strongly believe that the person in the more senior position is getting paid, partially, to adjust to the personality styles of the people reporting to them." @royrapoport @netflix Share on X4. Gergely Nemeth, Engineering Manager at GoDaddy
"More than any other factor, candid and compassionate feedback is central to a cohesive high-functioning team." @nthgergo @GoDaddy Share on X5. Mindaugas Mozūras, Head of Engineering at Vinted

6. Luc Levesque, Head of Youth Products at Facebook

7. Tom Sommer, Director of Engineering at Redbubble

8. Dave Igoe, Head of Software Development at AO

9. Aaron Lerch, Engineering Manager at InVision

10. Richard McLean, Director of Strategy & Performance at Elsevier

11. Molly White, Tech Lead at HubSpot

12. Matt Newkirk, Sr. Engineering Manager at Etsy

13. Isaac Hepworth, Sr. Product Manager at Google

14. Ben Broeckx, Public Benefits Director at Sodexo

15. Daniel Richnak, Software Dev Manager at Woot

16. Elliott Carlson, Manager at RentTheRunway

17. John Cline, Sr. Engineering Manager at Blue Apron

18. Derek Lakin, Sr. Engineering Manager at Skyscanner

19. Mike Douglas, Engineering Manager at InVision

20. Jay Desai, CEO & Founder at PatientPing

21. Ray Nicholus, Manager of Software Engineering at Cofense

22. Mike Hostetler, Director of Engineering at Cars.com

23. Gordon Diggs, Director of Engineering, at Intersection

24. Ramez Hanna, Staff Lead SRE at Criteo

25. Alan Page, QA Director at Unity

26. Maggie Gourlay, Engineering Manager at VictorOps

27. Audree Fletcher, Consultant at Barnardo’s

28. Brian Cheung, Manager of Software Engineering at Cofense

29. Lara Hogan, Engineering Leadership Coach at Wherewithall

30. Emil Sit, Director of Engineering at Toast

31. David Cohen, VP Engineering at Optimove

32. Swaroop Chitlur, Engineering Manager at Helpshift

33. Oren Raboy, VP Engineering at Totango

34. Oren Ellenbogen, VP Engineering at Forter

35. Adam Ochonicki Director, Platform Engineering at Articulate

36. Zoe Gould, Head of Product at DWP

37. Liran Tal, Engineering Manager at Neilsen

38. Scott Burns, VP Engineering at Stratasan

39. Mike Kleiman, Manager of Engineering at BiblioCommons

40. Katie Womersley, Director of Engineering at Buffer

41. Robert Stuttaford, CTO at Cognician

42. Caleb Huitt, Development Lead at Ag Leader Technology

43. Karney Li, VP of Engineering at Wealthsimple

44. Adam Fields, Chief Architect at Graphika

45. Austin Kelmore, Engineering Lead at ustwo Games

46. Jim Grey, Director of Engineering at Emplify

47. Cassie Robinson, Strategic Design Director at Doteveryone

48. Chuck Groom, Director of Engineering at VTS

49. Neil Tamplin, Senior IT Officer at Cadwyn Housing

One final note: this may be a list of mostly tech leaders, but manager ReadMes are a valuable tool for any person managing humans. Why not try writing your own?
What to do now
Next, here are some things you can do now that you've read this article:
- Our library of meeting agenda templates is designed to help you run more effective meetings.
- You should try Hypercontext to see how it can help you run a high performing org.
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